Timber Products & Services Mississippi
Welcome to Southeast Forestlands, where forestry management, timber sales and production, and environmental sustainability meet! With decades in the local Mississippi forestry industry, we are passionate about forestry in the great Magnolia State. According to the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, a whopping $13 billion is attributed to annual forestry production. That staggering figure presents a lot of opportunities for timberland owners and timber production companies! Our comprehensive forestry services offer productive outcomes for timberland owners and timber companies alike.
Mississippi Timber Industry
Mississippi offers a wide array of forest ecosystems, delivering a wide range of opportunities for timber production. Each type of timber is specifically suited to a particular timber product, offering an incredible range of timber products and making timberland a viable venture for investors. Pine flatwoods, bottomland hardwoods, mixed-pine hardwood forests, and cypress-tupelo swamps offer a rich and diverse timber range. Southeast Forestlands can guide you, as a timberland owner, in optimizing your timber production and building a sustainable, long-lasting forestry management plan that will profit you for years to come. We can also match you with the right commercial buyer to ensure your product moves. And our services don’t end there! Our forestry services also include:
- Timber Sales & Acquisition
- Reforestation
- Timber Appraisals / Timber Trespass
- Timber Stand Improvement
- Prescribed Burning
- Contract Herbicide Application
- Forestry Management Plans
- Tree Farm Certification
- Recreational Lease Management
- Wildlife Habitat Improvement
- Aerial Photography- FAA Licensed UAV Pilot
Mississippi Timber Sales & Products
The range of tree species available for harvest in Mississippi allows for the production of a wide array of timber products. As a vital part of the state’s economy, timber harvest in Mississippi produces:
- Dimensional lumber
- Plywood
- Ply logs
- Pine utility poles
- Sawtimber (oak, pine, mixed hardwood)
- Paper & newsprint
- Chip-n-saw
- Pulpwood (hardwood & pine)
- Topwood
- Wood chips
- Furniture
- Beams
- Pallets & pellets
- Landscaping materials
- Wood products
Southeast Forestlands can guide you to the right lumber yard, commercial sawmill, and any other timber sales partnership that benefits the seller and buyer. We act as your agent to ensure both parties get their needs met in a mutually beneficial transaction.
Yet before timber sales even start, it’s vital to ensure that your timberland is under the watchful guidance of an experienced and practiced team. To that end, we work with you to develop effective and viable forestry management plans. Our work usually begins with a timber appraisal to determine your viable production and to gather information with which to formulate a plan for optimizing your production. This plan may include methods of improving your timber stands, prescribed burning, herbicide application, regeneration techniques, as well as elements of sustainability and wildlife protection. Our locally-based forestry pros create management plans to help your timber thrive, ensuring a productive return on your investment.
Sustainable Timber Production Practices
Southeast Forestlands emphasizes the importance of reforestation, wildlife habitation improvement, and sustainable logging practices in Mississippi. With those goals in mind, our services include land management and forestry best practices to ensure the viability of our forests for future generations. As a part of our program, our experienced forestry team provides education and guidance on various sustainable timber production methods, such as:
- Preserving the canopy
- Regeneration and reforestation techniques
- Minimizing the environmental impact of logging
- Preservation of biodiversity
- Wildlife habitat protection methods
Best Timber Products Company Near Me
When it comes time to seek guidance from timber professionals, contact Southeast Forestlands. Our team has decades of experience in the local timber industry, which has given us the unique ability to ensure that your timberland thrives and your sales capacity expands. Contact us today and keep the growth going!